CASA: Collect Analyse Share Application

Problem To Solve:

Product Highlights:

The solution, CASA (Collect-Analyse-Share-Application), is a cloud-based web application designed to efficiently modify and automate the collection, storage, analysis, sharing, and reporting of data related to projects and events. CASA will streamline these processes, providing a seamless and error-free workflow.

  • Cloud-Based Solution: CASA is deployed on the internet for to automate gathering, analysis, and reporting of corporate data from and to all NATO entities and allies. It can also be deployed on the NATO Operational Network for enhanced security.
  • Data Capture and Collation: CASA captures data directly from all NATO entities and countries, seamlessly collating it into a single database. This enables efficient data analysis and report production.
  • CASA can handle a large number of users concurrently, ensuring effective access and utilization by NATO entities and allies.
  • Implementing CASA is expected to save time, reduce human errors in data collation, and create a centralized database for generating necessary reports promptly. This will enable quick access to current, required information by all NATO and Nations users.
  • Lightweight Application, Platform for data related to projects and events and Commander Situation Awareness: The software will be a lightweight application, easy to install, and will not demand extensive server resources.
  • The software will feature an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for operational users to navigate and utilize.
  • It won’t demand advanced training, enabling new users to quickly adapt and utilize the software.
  • Upon installation, the software will be immediately deployed for operational use.
  • Cost – free for NATO Command Structures and NATO Nations.